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When to Seek Fertility Help

Do You Need an Infertility Evaluation?

It’s estimated that 1 out of 6 couples suffer from infertility. Infertility is a disease typically defined as the inability to achieve pregnancy after one year of unprotected intercourse. If you have been trying to conceive for a year or more, you should consider an infertility evaluation.

At What Age Should You Get Fertility Testing?

If you are 35 or older, you should consider getting an infertility evaluation after about six months of unprotected intercourse. You shouldn’t wait a whole year to seek infertility testing, so as not to delay potentially needed treatment. 

If you are over 40, you should consult a fertility specialist after three months of trying to get pregnant. 

If you have a reason to suspect an underlying fertility problem, you should seek care earlier.

What are the Most Common Reasons to See a Fertility Specialist?

There are many reasons to see a reproductive endocrinologist to get a fertility consultation. Here are some of the most common reasons patients seek out care for infertility.

Reproductive Age and Fertility Issues

Reproductive age is one of the most significant factors in the ability to conceive. As a woman ages, the number of eggs in the ovary decreases. If you’re a woman over the age of 35, and you’ve been trying to get pregnant for over six months, you should get a fertility consultation.

Irregular Cycles and Ovulation 

If you have very irregular menstrual cycles, you may not be ovulating. This could be a sign of polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS). 

Hormonal, Chromosomal and Pelvic Problems

If you have a history of miscarriages. Multiple miscarriages occur for a wide range of reasons and can include chromosomal abnormalities in the embryo, or uterine or hormonal problems.

If you’ve been diagnosed with endometriosis and you’re trying to get pregnant, seeing a fertility specialist is important.

If you have a history of pelvic surgery (such as the removal of an ovarian cyst or an ectopic pregnancy) or have pelvic disease, fertility treatment may be needed.

Male Fertility Issues

Men with a low sperm count should have an infertility evaluation. About 40% of couples having trouble getting pregnant may discover that male fertility issues are the problem. 

Thinking about Getting a Fertility Evaluation?

We’d love to welcome you to our practice for an initial evaluation. We offer both in-person and virtual visits to get you started on your fertility journey. Here’s where you can find out more about an initial fertility evaluation.